Read in 2016

Thursday, December 30, 2010


I've set this up in order to connect to all the wonderful bloggers that I've been meeting through reading challenges, starting with the Classics Challenge and now, too many challenges to mention. See the novel challenges link on the sidebar.

I enjoy visiting other blogs, from link to link to link, and feel free to comment here. I'd love to read what you thought about a book I read. I'll always come back to visit you. I'm a mom to three kids, wife, and high school teacher who ignores the housework and plays on the computer too much, when I'm not reading. I used to run a lot more, but indoors is more fun these days; however, my waistline is beginning to protest.

This blog is for all things book related: reviews, lists, memes, and anything remotely related to books. There are other things that I muse about at livejournal.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

    Wow - you are quite adventurous with all the book challenges you take part in! I love seeing the lists of books people read, so I'll be back.

  2. Hi! I just nominated you for the Thinking Blogger Award. Find out more on my blog, book-a-rama.

  3. I much prefer blogger. Its just well better... Then again anything google i am for. its a little sad.

  4. We vacationed in PEI last summer. I envy you! Hope you can join the Southern Reading Challenge, but I see you might not have enough time. :)

  5. Just wondered why the date on this post was May 16th, 2007 - are you in an alternate universe that is a month ahead?

    Kewl! :)

  6. I have this dated ahead so the welcome will stay on the top of the page - a sticky post.

  7. My waistline has protested since I stopped running, also. And, my thighs. And, my rear end. Time to get back to it, I think. :)

  8. Oh, miss Raidergirl . . . yoohoo! You've just won a bookmark in my Chunkster Challenge Check-in drawing. Please send me your address at: and I'll get that in the mail! :)

  9. Thanks for stopping by: today is my last day for post planning but tomorrow I start planning for summer school. I know, it isn't summer and we will be finished the week after summer ends. Summer school only lasts half a day and I plan on grabbing a handful of all these beautiful books and hanging out by the pool reading my poor old lady eyes out. See you soon!!

  10. Hehe, now who's following who on the Internet? Glad to find your book blog!

  11. There is news for you in today's post over on my site.

  12. I'm glad you did this, because for some reason, live journal never lets me leave comments. It'll pretend to, but what I write out rarely saves.

    What do you teach?

  13. Thanks for dropping by on my blog. Looking at your favourite books in your profile, I guess the Austen Vs. Montgomery contest is a no-brainer for you, eh? Anyway, just to give you the heads up- the Jane Austen fans are quite plentiful and are already on board- you might want to call upon your fellow Islanders and/or Anne Fans to help out.

  14. Just wanted to let you know I've added you to my blogroll on my book review blog.

  15. I saw Jill tagged your LiveJournal and thought I'd tag this one ... just a comment to let you know I tagged you for the Blogging Tips Meme!

    Check it out here:

  16. I really need to join a book challenge, never been a part of one.

    I'm sure we'll have a ball visiting each other pages throughout the years to come. Happy reading!

  17. I heard about you from booklogged...when I met her in Toronto she was on her way to your neck of the woods.

    I'm really excited to have finally visited your blog, I'm going to take a look around now!

  18. Challenges are a great way to broaden reading horizons and meet other bloggers with similar interests!

  19. You have entered some great-looking challenges. I had to drag myself away before I was tempted beyond control.

  20. Hello!

    I'm stopping by to let you know that I've set up a separate blog for the What's in a Name? challenge. I hope you'll be able to stop by once in while to see what contests are going on and to leave links to any reviews you write. Thanks again for joining!


  21. First off, I deeply admire people who keep their children alive AND do anything else at all, much less teach school and do lots of reading. YOU rock. I'm also a runner-reader, but have been slacking since the fall debacle that was the Chicago Marathon. I got on the scale today, and it's a good thing that spring marathon training starts on Saturday. 'Nuf said.

  22. Thanks, tink. New year, new look, all that jazz. It is called 'snapshot tequila', and I like tequelia too. I was hoping for an option that would let me put a picture and a list in the same page-element on the sidebar, but alas and alack, this does not. Does anyone know what I need to do to get that option?

  23. Have you read the new book Archy The Flying Dolphin yet? It's an exciting new children's book that's full of fun and adventure and…danger! All the kids in my son's school can't get enough of it.
    One year it's pogs, another pokemon, now it's this book. A lot cheaper then the others mentioned!!

  24. hey.. i have taken the liberty to pick out your reviews for books that i have also read and add it to my bookshelf..:) hope you don't mind..
    here's the link:

  25. Nice blog. I found you from J. Kaye

  26. I just wanted to say hi! I just stumbled across your blog and I love it! It's always fun to find a new blog about books. I'll be adding you to my blog role if you don't mind. Happy reading! =)

  27. Oy. I mean "blogroll" of course. My mind wanders...

  28. hi cheryl, and welcome and thanks.

    Hi baddict, and sure, put me on your roll.

  29. ohh i like your blog :)

    so many books ...and thats what i like :)

    keep reading and keep blogging too :)

  30. May I suggest a book to try, if you're open to suggestions? "Outcasts Of Skagaray" was written out of concern for the unwanted children of the world, and takes the form of an action adventure fantasy. There are sample chapters on if you want a free preview. I would love to hear what you think. Best wishes, anyway. I love books too.

  31. Hi, thanks for visiting me and I am glad you enjoy my recipes. You have a very interesting blog and if cooking is my first passion, reading is one of my others. I wish I knew about blogs when I had my own bookstore. That would be great. BTW according to the date in your post, tomorrow is New Year's Eve and that put me in a festive mood :-)

  32. hello there!
    have you seen or read the master and margarita?
    Until I hear from you...

  33. I know how you feel about inside being more fun! I spend all my spare time on the computer, so I've made a new vow to get back to the gym! Starting tomorrow :) Maybe my waistline will start receding a little :P

  34. Hello, Great Blog. So much reading! I have a list of books on my blog too. Come see!

  35. It's the first time I've looked round your blog, and I love it!! We seem to have the same taste in books, and I feel that I want to add comments to everything! I'm going to hold back though, as I don't want you to be inundated with loads of them. I'll be keeping an eye on your blog in the future. Thanks for all the great reviews!

  36. You left a comment on my blog, so I decided to visit yours. Nice to meet you. And I just love your blog.

  37. Thanks for the invitation to join as a contributor on the Pulitzer Project site. I posted my review there, and will post future ones as well.

    You certainly are an avid reader! And I found your review of "The Road" compelling enough to make me want to read the book sooner, rather than later, in my attempt to finish all the Pulitzer winning books.

    I'll check back here to see what else I should read, besides that daunting list of winners. :)

  38. Hello! I just came to your blog. I am a librarian (on hiatus) and sadly living somewhere where there is no public libraries! (gasp!). Don't worry there is one school library (for a small fee) I can get my hands on books. Anyway, your blog is a feast for my bookish eyes even though I can't get my hands on the books. Thanks!

  39. RG3, planning to read any nonfiction this year? We loved having your book notes last year so I thought I'd drop by and twist your arm and try to get you to take the 2009 Science-Book Challenge. It'd be great to have you as a returning challenger. Plus, I have a fabulous looking button for this year!

  40. Hi, I just found your great blog from the Tuesday:Where are you Meme. I've added your blog to my google reader and I need to check out more of your reviews!

  41. I just wanted to let you know that the 2009 Fourth Annual National Just Read More Novels challenge is underway. I can see by your sidebar that you were a 9x winner last year.

    I hope you give it a try again this year. Good luck.

  42. I love your blog, so I've just nominated you for an award! Thank you for the great posts!

  43. Hi Raidergirl2!! I love your blog, and would like to drop you an email about something but can't find an address. Would you please send me an email at lisamunleyATcaDOTrrDOTcom? Thanks!

  44. whoops- a slip of the finger turned you into RAIDERGIRL2 instead of Raidergirl3! I'm sorry! I DO know it's 3!

  45. I'm in England for I think the third week in a row. Well, it's a nice place. But in this book it seems to rain constantly!

    Here's mine.

  46. Hi Raidergirl3,

    Thanks so much for the OT Challenge prize ("In the Country of Men") you forwarded to me recently. Although I see from your review that it wasn't a fave for you, I appreciate you passing it on since I'm not sure I would have bought it in the stores anytime soon--too many other books in the TBR pile. It looks good, though. Thanks!

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. And I am so glad you set this blog up so I can present you with the Sisterhood Award. Details at

  49. Hello raidergirl3!

    I found our blog via That'sTheBook and wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. I really enjoyed reading through your posts and hope that we may be able to work together someday. Feel free to stop by my blog and take a look at the books I am currently offering for review:

    Hope to hear from you soon!

    Best wishes,
    Lisa Roe
    Online Publicist

  50. I just wanted to stop by say hello, you've got a reader in Norway :)

    I see you're participating in some great challenges. I have entered two this last week, I'm new to this challenges and a bit afraid of chewing over to much :)

    I saw your review of The Hunger Games, I didn't realize that it was a part of a trilogy. I'm listening to the audiobook these days and I can hardly turn it of.

    Sorry for blabbering on and on =O

  51. This is a great welcome. I visit all my commenters too. Love to see what people are reading,, what they have done with their blog. I am so amazed how many book blogs are out there.

    Good morning!

  52. Hello! I see you are doing the RIP IV challenge as well. I'm checking through your book titles for ideas! Cheers, Jessica

  53. hey I went through your blog...You are an awesome person and I love reading too. I just started blogging because i love writing and I wanted to be able to go back someday to my blog and see how my ideas have grown, changed or disappeared...I am at

    keep it up...Tosie

  54. Please Vote for Jordan Kasteler on the Top 100 Most Influential Internet Marketer

    To vote, please follow this link:

    Jordan Kasteler is a seasoned professional and an SEO consultant specializing in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, and all aspects of Internet Marketing.

    To learn more about him, you can visit his site at :

    You can vote for him daily. Voting ends on 12/13/09 midnight. Thank you

  55. I love your blog... quite the thing to start a god day with. Visit me at .

  56. I stopped by your blog today. Great posts.

  57. Dear Blogger,

    Over here at Regal Literary we’ve got a lot of exciting projects going on, from a HUGE summer book giveaway program to an amazing contest for Audrey Niffenegger’s new novel Her Fearful Symmetry(including 100 rare signed copies of the Limited Edition), and a special “bloggers only” prize! We’ve given away flights to Los Angeles, Italy, and now London. We’d love to be able to share all of these opportunities with you and your followers, so if you’d like to learn more, feel free to email me and I’ll send all the details your way.

    Happy summer reading!


    Leigh Huffine
    Regal Literary, Inc.

  58. Hi! I found your blog through the book_memes community on LiveJournal. I see your posts every so often, and this time I decided to check your blog out. I really like your It's Tuesday... meme.

    I've just recently started to blog myself. It's mostly memes right now as I'm pretty new at writing book reviews. I'm at

  59. Love your blog:

  60. I just wanted to let you know that I have put up a Progress and Review post for the Vintage Mystery Challenge. You will find it at OR I have put a button on my home page that will take you right to it.

    I would appreciate it if, when you finish a book for the challenge, you would either leave a comment at the post or email the relevant info to me here at phryne1969 (at) gmail (dot) com. That way I can keep track of my challengers and try to be prepared when you're ready to claim a prize. And, I'll admit it, I'm really curious to see what you all decide to read for the challenge and maybe everyone else is too!

    Good luck!



Thanks for commenting, so nice of you to visit.

(I'll try without the letters for a while - so please dont be a spammer! Let's try no anonymous users)