Read in 2016

Thursday, March 8, 2007

MEME: Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday

Do you lend your books to other people? If so, any restrictions? I don't buy a lot of books, but I do lend the ones I have. Not many restrictions; I mostly share with my sister, so I know where she lives. But I'd lend all but my most favorite books out. Don't lend unless you never want it back. And books can be replaced easily.

Do you borrow books from other people? (Friends or family—I'm not talking about the public library) Well, yes I do borrow. I try to borrow from people I see a lot, like at work and then read it right away and not hang on to it. And of course my sister. She had a friend that was an airline attendent, so she always had tons of airport books. We passed those around. (I should note, my sister is in another province, so we only see each other every few months and then exchange a bag of books)

And, most importantly—do the books you lend/borrow get returned to their rightful owners?? I try, but I have a book I borrowed, The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency that I haven't returned - from 3 years ago. It's in the front closet, and I know the owner, but we don't see each other socially, just at our kids school functions, and I never have the book with me. I do plan to give it back to her, but I've been avoiding it. And yet, it is haunting my soul! I know I have sent books out into the world that I haven't got back, (Who has my Poisonwood Bible? Is it you? No judgement, just return please) but by now, I forget (mostly) which books they were.
Eh, if my books are being enjoyed, pass them around. They should be enjoyed.
Hee, I was in a 'book club' of girls from high school who would get together every other month for a dinner. We didn't talk about books, at all, but we would trade books across the linguine and scallops. It was more of a 'book exchange club'.

Don't forget to leave a link to your actual response in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

1 comment:

  1. I'm the same way. The longer I have a borrowed book, the more freaked out about it I get.


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