Read in 2016

Thursday, March 22, 2007

MEME: Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday

Short Stories? Or full-length novels? I like both! I tend to read novels mostly, but I've read some great collections, usually by authors I know and love - Maeve Binchy, LM Montgomery, Stephen King. I recently read a great Agatha Christie book Partners in Crime, a collection of short stories about the same characters, Tommy and Tuppence.
I grew up in school with 'the reader', not novel studies like they do now. I think this directly caused me to enjoy short stories, because that is what we read and studied in school.

And, what's your favorite source for short stories? (You know, if you read them.) I guess my source is authors I already like. If I'm browsing at the library, I can find collections of short stories, usually on a theme, like Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot about L.M. Montgomery's short stories. I've read a bunch of them too.

    I like Maeve Binchy. I'll have to get some of hers.


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