Read in 2016

Sunday, April 8, 2007

OTHER: BAFABW and Thinking

What a great week-end I had!

First, I was nominated by Chris at book-a-rama for a Thinking Blogger Award. Doesn't this look nice:

Thank you to Chris. I'm supposed to nominate five other bloggers who make me think when I read their blog. My problem is I'm very new at this and most of the blogs I read have already, very deservedly, been nominated. And I am so impressed with the blogs I've been finding, the reviews they do, the books they read, and just the overall friendly, generous nature of this book-blog-osphere. I think I may hold on to this, and wait a while before I can pick five new people. I hope this isn't like those chain mail emails you get, that say if you don't send this in ten minutes to five more people, you will have bad luck. I confess, I'm a deleter of those emails and my luck hasn't run out yet.

On the contrary, my luck is quite good this weekend. I was so pleased and surprised to find that I won one of booklogged books she was giving away at her site for BuyGive a Friend a Book Week: Flowers for Algernon. After her review of the book, I was quite anxious to read it, and now I get it as a gift, and in the mail? How great is that. I love getting mail, and books. (I think that is 's best selling point - books, in the mail.)

There are so many great nouns in that phrase Give a Friend a Book Week. And it isn't easy to do, because I went shopping last week to do just that: buy a book for a real life friend. But how do you pick? Partially the problem was my friend and I often do not agree on books. We've had a few in common that we love, but we miss more often than not. So, do I pick a book I've read and think she might like? Or just get a book I haven't read abut think she might like? Here's a question for people out there: Would you buy a friend a book from a second hand book store if you found a good book there? I know I would not mind getting a used book, but what about others? I query that at Christmas sometimes too.

So thank you out there to Chris and booklogged, who happen to be some of the first people I met here in blogspot. Have a great week to everybody out there who stops by. I'm off to finish The Maltese Falcon before The Amazing Race starts.

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