Read in 2016

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

CHALLENGE: Decades Challenge 2008

Is it really time to think of 2008 already? I guess it is, as people are beginning to make their reading plans for next year. This is a nice one to do, and doesn't involve many more books than are already planned for with the Pulitzer Project and Reading the Bookers, two ongoing projects. I also like that it is flexible and can be changed along the way. 3M, hostess extraordinaire, is great like that.

The Decades Challenge Rules:
1. Read a minimum of 8 books in 8 consecutive decades in ‘08.
2. Books published in the 2000’s do not count.
3. Titles may be cross-posted with any other challenge.
4. You may change your list at any time.

My list looks something like this, as of now:

1990s - The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields (Pulitzer)
1980s - Remains of the Day by Kazou Ishiguru (Booker)
1970s - The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier (YAC)
1960s - The Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence (2nd Canadian)
1950s - Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (African)
1940s - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith (Chunkster)
1930s - Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston
1920s - Ukridge - P.G. Wodehouse
1910s -
1900s - The Call of the Wild by Jack London (Canadian)
1890s - The Awakening by Kate Chopin (Southern )

If you think this looks like fun, come on over to The Decades Blog and join the fun. There are lists and lists of suggestions, by decade. I managed 13 decades this year. If I manage to complete reading Les Miserables at livejournal in our group daily read-along, - it will take a full year, I'd be at the 1860s and I'm sure I'd try to find a few to take me back to that point. It would be shame to get that far back with a humongous read and not have it count for something.


  1. I'm still working on my list for this challenge. You did remind me of Remains of the Day which I already own. I'm trying to read books from my shelves this year. Of course, there are sure to be some new books out this year that I'll NEED to buy.

  2. So glad you're joining up, again! You've got a great list so far.

  3. booklogged - I loved Never Let Me Go, so I am really looking forward to Remains of the Day

    3M - I'm glad you are hosting again. Let me know if you need any help with this one.


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