Read in 2016

Monday, December 17, 2007

SHORT STORY MONDAY: A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote

A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote

After seeing this story listed at Nymeth's blog as one of her favourite short stories, I decided to check it out. I've only read one Capote book, the nonfiction In Cold Blood, and the writing here was just as good.

This little story tells one memory of a poor young Southern boy and his friend, an older, simple woman, and the rituals they go through before Christmas, including cake making. There is not so much a plot, as a relationship. The boy, called Buddy, has wonderful memories of his time with his friend. Capote has a way with words, and the reader is transported back in time as the friends gather their ingredients for a fruit cake. I have only recently begun liking fruitcake, and it sounded so yummy.

The flavour of the south, and the flavour of the fruitcake, and the special friendship made this a lovely story.


  1. I love Capote!! I must read this one. I skipped Short Story Monday in favor of the Blog Advent Calendar!!

  2. This sounds good, I shall look out for it.

  3. I know very little about Capote. Embarassingly, until the movie came out I wasn't even sure if had been a writer or an actor. Canada provides some rather large rocks to hide under!

  4. Sounds like a fun one to find for next year. I have not ever read any of Capotes work, either...
    Merry Christmas to you!

  5. I've only read In Cold Blood before so maybe I'll hav eto pick this up sometime soon.

  6. stephanie - I was just there - looked great

    geraniumcat - I'm glad I found it

    john - Capote was a real character by the time he died; somebody did imitations of him, Rich Little? It seemed like I always knew who he was

    paula - I just read his work this year, Merry Christmas to you too.

    tink - It didn't take long to read, and it's easily available online


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