Read in 2016

Thursday, January 24, 2008


What’s your favorite book that nobody else has heard of? You know, not Little Women or Huckleberry Finn, not the latest best-seller . . . whether they’ve read them or not, everybody “knows” those books. I’m talking about the best book that, when you tell people that you love it, they go, “Huh? Never heard of it?”

And, folks–Becca was nice enough to nominate Booking Through Thursday for a Blogger’s Choice Award–while you’re here, why don’t you head over and vote for us, too. Because, a vote for BTT is a vote for all of us who play each week!

I have mentioned this book here before, but it is one of my favorites: Random Passage by Bernice Morgan, and I may as well mention her newest book, Cloud of Bone as well. Both are Newfoundland books so may not be as well known outside of Atlantic Canada.

Farley Mowatt has a children's book Owls in the Family that I highly recommend to people with children.

I used to say Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett, but it is a little better known these days. I think I would now include I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak in the category of a great book no one has heard of, but I know that our little blogosphere knows all about Zusak. And The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky was one of my favorite reads last year. Has anyone heard of it?


  1. I love Random Passage! And you're right, it's not that well known. When I lived in Australia the only way to get any of her books was ordering it from another country!

  2. I still haven't read Random Passage but I remember Owls in the Family.

  3. Looks like I'll have to check out both books by Bernice Morgan. I, indeed, hadn't heard of them, but they both sound excellent.

    I read The Perks of Being a Wallflower last year, too, and loved it!

  4. Nope, I don't think I've heard of those. I'm off to check out those, too. Thanks!

  5. Owls in the Family sounds like a great book for my son. Happy BTT.


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