Read in 2016

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Well, here where I live, Spring is sprung–weeks early, even. Our lilac bush looks like it will have flowers by this time next week instead of in the middle of May as usual. The dogwood trees, the magnolia trees–all the flowering trees are flowering. The daffodils and crocuses are, if anything, starting to fade. It may only be April 24th but it is very definitely Spring and, allergies notwithstanding, I’m happy to welcome the change of season. What I want to know, is:

Do your reading habits change in the Spring? Do you read gardening books? Even if you don’t have a garden? More light fiction than during the Winter? Less? Travel books? Light paperbacks you can stick in a knapsack?
Or do you pretty much read the same kinds of things in the Spring as you do the rest of the year?

Don't talk to me about spring today! We had snow today. Big wet sloppy snow that has covered the ground and the cars and the little bit of grass that was trying to turn green. Two nights ago we were all outside, enjoying the light and a bit of warmth. My daughter asked if she could bring a deck chair to the front yard to 'watch the street'. She tried to entice me by stating that I could bring my book and sit with her.

Spring is the hardest time to get reading done, as school winds down, and soccer most nights, and just enjoying the glorious warm evenings. June and final exams get even worse. And we teachers save most of our socializing of the year for June, so most nights are busy. I don't change the books I read, but this is the second year to do the Nonfiction Challenge starting in May and the Once Upon a Time Challenge runs til Summer Solstice, so my reading does change a little bit, due to challenges. Hey, these challenges are becoming annual traditions now.


  1. The only good thing that can be said about snow in the spring is we know it won't be sticking around. We had snow last week just like you described. Yesterday and today has been beautiful with daffodils and tulips blooming.

  2. I seem to have more trouble concentrating in the spring which makes me a bit of a restless reader. Certainly at the moment I'm having trouble settling down to one book. I live on an academic schedule as well, so perhaps it's the same phenomenon that you've identified here, with some things winding down and others gearing up.

  3. I love spring because I can read outside.

    I'm inviting you over to the this Free Book Site. Go over there and take a look.

  4. That's true, it is busier this time of year. School's wrapping up, clubs and teams are having final performances, games, etc. Good point.


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