Read in 2016

Sunday, June 15, 2008

WEEKLY GEEKS: Catch Up On Reviews (week #6)

I'm not only catching up on reviews, I'm catching up on Weekly Geeks. I completely copied Kristi at Passion for the Page because like her, I am up to date on my reviews. I nearly always write my book reviews immediately after reading the book. I'm afraid if I got into the habit of not writing them as soon as I finished, that I would never get them done. I have a strong procrastination trait and have to trick myself into doing things so I don't put them off. My poor students have learned that I am not quick at evaluating and returning their work.

I made posts of the books I've read and reviewed, sorted alphabetically by title and author. It took me most of the week but I am pleased to have this organized now and it will never be such a big job again. I'll add this to my sidebar as well, so it will be easy for me to find.

Alphabetical by Author

Alphabetical by Title


  1. Both of your lists are very impressive. I can't imagine how long it took!!! =)

  2. Wonderful organization! You are like me...behind, but catching up!

  3. jill - click, copy, paste, repeat. It wasn't as bad as you'd think.

    wendy - thanks. I always love a list.

  4. I've been putting off doing all my reviews till the end of the month, but now I'm wondering if that's a good idea because it makes that one post kinda long and snoozeworthy. Plus, I'm always doing battle with Procrastination.


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