Read in 2016

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

BLOGGING: It's Tuesday, where are you?

Where is reading taking you? Are you being patriot and reading a book from your country, are you travelling, or are you reading a book set in China to get into the Olympic spirit? We watched Mulan last week.

I am watching lots of Olympics, Canada is finally getting some medals after the first week. And today, Jared Connaughton from PEI is running in the semifinals of the 200 m race, with Usain 'the Lightning' Bolt. Bolt is insanely fast and was incredible in the 100 m race.

In reading, I am with Hagar Shipley as she looks back on her life on the prairies in the Canadian classic The Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence. I'm liking it quite a bit. I also peeked into Rain Song, the book I got through the Early Reader program at librarything. It arrived today, and I will get into it soon, because it looks pretty good.

Where is reading taking you today?


  1. I'm in India with Ash and Juli (The Far Pavilions) and in London with Janet Rochester (Jane Eyre's Daughter).

  2. chris - Jane Eyre's Daughter sounds like the perfect book for you.

  3. I'm in San Diego where I'm a contestant on a reality show called X-treme dating (kind of a combo of Survivor and The Dating Game). The complication is that I'm finding the cameraman much more interesting and attractive than the 'date'.

    X-treme Dating by Cathy McDavid (and yes it's just as stupid as it sounds, but it's short and will be over with before the end of the day today).

  4. suziq - I thought it sounded cute!

  5. I agree. Suzi's book not only sounds cute, but funny.

    So where am I today? I'll leaving you hanging in suspense. You'll just have to read here.

  6. Geez, I couldn't even remember what I'm reading there for a minute!

    I'm reading The Thirteenth Tale, but I'm not really sure where it's set- Great Britan somewhere? We just travelled through the moors, which makes me think of Wuthering Heights, which I never read.

    Also working on a Dresden files book, so jumping back to Chicago on occasion.

  7. I'm on the Discworld with Polly, who's pretending to be a boy, with a motley bunch of friends including a troll, an 'igor', and a vampire. Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett.

  8. I posted my reply here.

  9. I'm in Utah in the late 1800s and modern day splitting my time between 2 different yet related story lines. (The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff).

  10. I'm off in small-town South Carolina reading "The Pajama Girls of Lambert Square." I just started it this morning while I was waiting on an oil change/inspection for my hudband's truck. I love books about small-town-life with quirky cahracters!

    When I finish this one, I'll be moving on to some of the works of Shirley Jackson including "We Have Always Lived in the Castle" and "The Haunting of Hill House."

  11. just a reading fool - You'll have to try Mister Pip after you finish Great Expectations. And Tag, you're it!

    lisa - the 13th Tale had a great Wuthering Heights, gothic novel vibe. What a great read.

    cath - a troll, an 'igor' anda vampire - that sounds interesting

  12. shannon - I love the 80s! I am the 80s. I must look for that book.

    printed page - I've seen some buzz about that book, it looks good.

    susan b evans - I agree, small town quirky characters are great. Throw in a mystery, and ta-da! I can't think of of Jackson without The Lottery, such a great story. I'd like to read the Haunting of Hill House. Maybe for the RIP III.

  13. I am in Camelot trying to get over my mothers brutal murder and at the same time escape the enchantments of Morgaine and Urien.

  14. I've watched quite a bit of the olympics, including the UK winning the 400m today! Apparently they got quite a few golds today.

    I am in Algessia learning how to be a dragon rider (Eldest)
    In London Under searching for the Angel of Islington (Neverwhere)
    Also in Pakistan travelling along the Himalayas

  15. Jumble Pie the book that takes place in the 80's is a free ebook if you do want to read you click link I have here to get it. I posted yesterday.

  16. rhinoa - I've never read anything about Camelot and my mythology knowledge is pretty weak. Someday..

    katrina - I LOVED Neverwhere!

    shannon - I'll go check that out. I haven't read an e-book before.

  17. I just left the Shetland Islands, off the northeast coast of Scotland, where Inspector Perez just solved a triple homicide amidst the harsh beauty and light filled summer nights of the northern hemisphere. (White Nights by Ann Cleeves)

    I'm just about to go to the suburbs of Tokyo where I know I'll encounter a brutal murder. (Out by Natsuo Kirino)

  18. Just left small town Kansas (In Cold Blood) for the scorched American wilderness (The Road). Really--hopefully my next travels will take me somewhere fun and cheery!!

  19. terri b- the Shetlands sound neat

    trish - oh, those are two harsh books, good, but harsh. You need to find some Sophie Kinsella, and fast!

  20. *When* I finally get to read today (a physical, hold-it-in-my-hands book anyway), I will be in Afghanistan in the early 90s. (A Thousand Splendid Suns)

    On my commute, I'm in present-day England, where a war is going on. (How I Live Now)

  21. I'm on a Virginia Plantation during the Civil War -

  22. I'm kicking around England with Pip and Anne Elliot (Great Expectations and Persuasion)

  23. somer - I've heard such good things about that book; I liked The Kite Runner

    wendy - I haven't read a lot of Civil War novels, but since I've discovered the southern genre, I'm sure I'll get to one soon enough

    bybee - the T&C Inner Bookworm needed to read some classics eh?

  24. I'm in West Philly with Trading Dreams at Midnight by Dianne McKinney Whetstone.

  25. Suziqoregon--your book sounds interesting!


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