Read in 2016

Friday, August 8, 2008

CHALLENGE: Olympic Reading Challenge

annie is hosting an Olympic Challenge, and it will go very nicely with the 2nd Canadian Book Challenge for you Canucks out there. I was thinking of reading a book set in China, but this is even better. You know Canada won't win very many medals so this is our chance to be patriotic. My idea of support: sit on the couch and read!

Here's the info from her site:

1) You are to read as many books possible written by authors from your own country during the period the Olympics are on. The genre and length of the books will be up to you.
2) Each time you finish a book, post your name, country, blog address, book title and author as a comment on the bottom of this post. That will earn yourself and your country a silver medal. If you do all the above plus post a link to your review of the book you earn yourself and your country a gold medal.
3) A running country medal tally will be kept down the right hand side of this blog as well as the individual currently topping the leader board.
4) To win the Amazon Gift Voucher, you must be a gold medal winner (ie you must have submitted a review).
5) I don't mind if you've read the books before or were half-way through when the challenge started either.

Some Canadian books I have around here I am hoping to get to include:
The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields
The Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence
Microserfs by Douglas Coupland
A Complicated Kindness by Miriam Toews
I won't read all of these, don't worry.

1 comment:

  1. I've joined this challenge, although I don't have many books by Aussie authors around to read at the moment!


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