Read in 2016

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

BLOGGING: It's Tuesday, where are you?

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.-- Dr. Seuss

I am having fun finding a good Seuss quote for my posts this week.

This week in reading I am going to a Fight Club, which is starting off pretty weird but good, (don't tell about the fight club!), trying to finish The Trouble With Physics, and staying away from my huge pile of requested library books before they topple over on me. My plans of reading, and the actual implementation of the plan are quite inversely related. Oh, well.

Where is reading taking you today?


  1. I'm in California where a hooker has been murdered- a crochet hooker that is (Hooked On Murder).

    I'm also planning a party in London with Mrs Dalloway.

  2. Nigeria, specifically Biafra, in the 1960s (Half of a Yellow Sun). I love Fight Club the movie, but the only Palahniuk book I read kind of turned me off (Choke).

  3. Well I am in Melbourne, circa 1928, trying to solve the disappearance of a fiesty child as well as dashing about on the wings of a Tiger Moth.

  4. I'm loving all your Dr. Suess quotes!

    I'm in... some city... where a kid has just been forced to go to normal school after being homeschooled by his grandma in a hippie type commune. It's called Schooled by Gordon Korman.

  5. I've left Paris and am now travelling through the French countryside.
    Mine's here.

  6. I'm in England in the 1890's. We've been invaded by Martians. It's not looking good for us.

    The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells

  7. I'm in New York with a girl with an unseemly fascination with cannibals (Carnivore's Inquiry)

  8. Don't library requests come in a deluge? Right when you find others.

    I'm in.......hmm. An alternative Victorian England, I think. The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters.

  9. I'm in Paris at the 1889 World Exposition. There have been two bee sting deaths recently, but I'm not convinced that all is as it appears. I'm a bookseller who is going to try and solve these (and more to follow?) murders. (Murder on the Eiffel Tower by Claude Izner)

    Dr. Seuss quotes! Love it :o)

  10. I'm in Canada, in the mountains as Mary Boulter, widowed by her own hand, tries to escape her late husband's avenging brothers. The Outlander by Gil Adamson

  11. I'm with Cassie Logan on her first day of school as a fourth grader at The Great Faith Elementary and Secondary School in Mississippi. (Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D Taylor) Diane

  12. chris - Not the dreaded crochet hooker!

    trish - I'm not sure about Fight Club the book yet, but I'm intrigued to see the movie now. Half a Yellow Sun was excellent! Quite an insight into refugees and civil war.

    redheadramble - Well that sounds familiar! That Phryne is quite the chick. I wondered if the kidnapping would turn into a O Henry, Ransom of Red Chief thing. Enjoy!

    suey - My son and I love Korman!! I bought Schooled for my son for his birthday, and he wasn't even mad I gave him a book for his birthday. I haven't read it yet, but it sounds so cute, and Jack gave me play by plays as he read it the first time. Yea Schooled! I think it's in Saskatchewan.

  13. tanabata - I've been by to visit, you smell marvelous!

    suziq - I already read your review, looks good. When you can get the context of old stories, it really changes how you imagine it.

    katrina - sounds creepy. Very RIP III.

    carrie - I know, the library doesn't take my reading scheduele in account at all! alternate Victorian England, sound very FForde-ish

  14. terri b - sounds like a great mystery. thanks, you can't go wrong with Suess.

    amy - So, that is nothing like Diana Gabaldron's The Outlander? I've seen that around, and it looks good. Must write that title down.

    diane - there's another book I've heard of but never knew anything about. Hope you enjoy it, happy reading.

  15. Today, I'm on a several day unwanted adventure to find my runaway friend Shay so I don't have to be ugly forever (Uglies/Scott Westerfeld).

    I'm also in the midwest wondering where Kim is since she seems to have disappeared without a trace...(Songs for the Missing/Stewart O'Nan)

  16. megan - that's a great series, Specials is my next one to read. And I really want to read that O'Nan book.

  17. I've been on the very cool organic farm, Polyface, with Michael Pollan in The Omnivore's Dilemma.


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