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Saturday, September 13, 2008

WEEKLY GEEKS: Quotes (week #17)

This week’s activity is: A Quote a Day.
Dewey says:
You may want to come up with a theme, such as favorite passages from books, author quotes, political quotes, quotes about books or reading, humorous quotes, whatever. Or you may not want a theme at all; maybe you just want to gather up seven assorted quotes that appeal to you. You may want to start each of your posts of the week with a quote, or you may want to give quotes posts of their own in addition to your regular posts. It’s all up to you!
The only rule is this: thou shalt not steal! If you see a quote you like on someone else’s blog, you can post it in addition to your quote for the day, even with your quote for the day, but please link to where you originally saw it. Of course, it’s possible that more well-known quotes may appear on more than one blog just by chance, but these things happen among honorable people such as ourselves.

This sounds like a fun theme to try. I already know who most of my quotes will be from, and I put one in already in a post today. Now the trick will be getting a post done everyday. I wonder what my odds are?

And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed.-- Dr. Seuss


  1. That is a great quote from one of my favorite authors! :D

  2. Awesome!! I've learned that there is a Dr. Seuss quote for every event in my life so far :)

  3. You gotta love a girl who quotes Suess!



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