Read in 2016

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

BOOK: Too Close to Home by Linwood Barclay

Too Close to Home by Linwood Barclay, 404 pages

Unread Author Challenge, Genre: thriller; 2nd Canadian

I love a good suspenseful thriller. I started this one yesterday, and since I had today off, I read all day. It was a real page turner, with twists and turns, some I could somewhat see or at least suspect, but still satisfying.

The prologue starts with Derek, the seventeen year old son of the narrator, sneaking into a neighbour's house in upstate New York, and then being present but hidden while the family is massacred at gunpoint. The ensuing investigation unearths secrets of all the people connected with the family. Murder investigations often leave many people feeling exposed, and as unexpected details get discovered, more than a murderer can be the result.

It's no fun to read a review of a book that derives its pleasure from suspense, so there will be no incriminating details here. The characters were realistic, facing moral dilemmas and not always making the right choices. But overall, I thought Derek and his family were more like people caught in an unusual situation and making decisions based on protecting their family. There are some comments on politics, academia, and ambition, but mostly it's a tight thriller that kept me entertained all day.


  1. Sorry about the above comment (or lack thereof). I posted a comment, it said it didn't work, so I republished it - then there were two of them, so I deleted one and now there are none! :)

    This is what I said:

    Oh . . . this sounds like a book for me! :) (I didn't know Barclay was Canadian - I would have read this for the Challenge, too. I'll read it anyway, so it really doesn't matter.) What a great way to spend a day off! Glad you enjoyed it, Raidergirl3.

  2. joy - I think it is a book you would like. It was very readable, and page turning without being outlandish or unbelievable.

  3. i don't read enough thrillers, although I used to like them... I shall check this one out, sometimes you need a pageturner!

  4. john - I'm not telling. phbbt. I tried to use white font to hide the answer, but blogger wouldn't allow me to use it.

    joanna - it was a great little story. I'd be interested to see what you think.

  5. This sounds really good and I'm going to have to check it out! Great review!

  6. I loved 'No Time for Goodbye' so was interested to read this review. I'm pleased that you enjoyed it, and will look out for it in the future. I didn't know he was Canadian either!!


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