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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

GAME: Bookword Game

It's almost spring here, all the snow is gone, so let's have a more colorful version of the bookword button. Some suggestions were made at Suey's blog this week for our newest definition:

a word for a book that you LOVE, but everyone else (well, almost everyone)HATES.

Our nominees:
Misunderbook by bybee
Fav-or-not book by raidergirl3
A Fab-u-less book by alyce
A Loved Loner by joy

Now it's time to vote:

Come by my blog to vote and join in the game. I'll have the results next week and another bookword to name.

1 comment:

Thanks for commenting, so nice of you to visit.

(I'll try without the letters for a while - so please dont be a spammer! Let's try no anonymous users)