Read in 2016

Monday, August 24, 2009


Carl V is hosting the 4th annual Readers Imbibing Peril challenge to usher us in to Halloween. From September 1 (or right now) til October 31, 2009 the challenge is to read what you challenge yourself to. I'm going small, and picking Peril the Second, committing to read 2 books in that time, but feeling free to read more if I am so inspired.

Dark Fantasy.

The Pool of books I own:
When Twilight Burns - Colleen Gleason
The Patience of the Spider - Andrea Camilleri
No Time for Goodbye - Linwood Barclay
House on the Strand - Daphne duMaurier
Still Life - Louise Penny
The Calling - Inger Ash Wolfe
Tainted Blood - Arnaldur Indridason
The Oxford Murders - Guillermo Martinez

The Pool of books I want to read from the Library:
The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly
Necropolis: London and its Dead
The House on the Hill by Shirley Jackson
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins

The books I actually read:
1. No Time for Goodbye - Linwood Barclay
2. Still Life - Louise Penny
3. The Patience of the Spider - Andrea Camilleri
4. The Prophecy of the Sisters - Michelle Zink


  1. I just finished book 3 in Louise Penny's series. Absolutely loved it.

    The other books in your pool sound good, too. Have lots of fun.

    How's school going so far?

  2. I was just thinking this morning that it must just about be time for RIP!

    Enjoy your choices!

  3. Yay I can't wait to sign up for this challenge, it's going to be so much fun! I like your list of potential reads. It might finally be time for me to read the Colleen Gleason books.

  4. booklogged - glad to hear it's a great series.
    RIP are my favorite type of books.
    We don't start school until the 3rd, kids don't until the 8th.

    marg - I had completely forgotten about planning for the RIP, but I easily found a big pile of books here that I obviously want to read, because I bought them!

    rhinoa - it's so easy to pick books for this challenge. Colleen's books will be perfect for this, plus they are a fun romp.

  5. I'd love to get to some Wilkie Collins this time around. Great pool, both the ones you own and the ones you plan to check out from the library. I'm so glad you are joining in again this year!

  6. This is one that I always try and sign up for!

  7. the woman in white seems popular this year.. it's on my list but who knows if I will get to it.. it is rather large! lol

  8. Oh that's a great pool of books! Du Maurier is perfect and I love Colleen Gleason. The Book of Lost Things is great and I adore Wilkie Collins!! The Woman in White is my favorite. Good luck with the challenge!

  9. Great reading pool!

    I may have to add some Louise Penny and Colleen Gleason books to my list.

  10. The Woman in White is an excellent book. I hope you enjoy it!

  11. I love that you separate into books you own and books you want to check out from the library :)

    I'm curious about The Woman in White. I've been meaning to read it for months now. :) I'm also curious about the House on the Strand. I've only ever read Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier.

  12. I no longer have your email address, so if you are interested in being added to the R.I.P. IV email list, to be informed of contests and events, please drop me a line at poegeek (at) gmail (dot) com.

  13. Great list of books! Enjoy your reading. :)


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