Read in 2016

Monday, September 14, 2009

BBAW: Favorite Blogs

This is my "If I picked the winners" post. Not that I disagree with many of the shortlisted blogs, more that I was surprised by how many I had never heard of. So here is the list of blogs from my little world that I would have quick like a bunny hit the 'vote' button for. I'm leaving a quite a few people out, but this was the easiest way for me to highlight some of my favorite blogs.

Most Prolific Blogger: One Person's Journey Through a World of Books
Sheila is so enthusiastic, and generous as well. She highlights other bloggers, posts her relaxing Morning Meanderings most mornings, and has tons of giveaways. She's new to my Google Reader, but I feel like I've known her for quite a while.

Most Eclectic Taste: Nan from Letters From a Hill Farm
I'm not sure if Nan's taste is eclectic, but her blog certainly is. It might be a fantastic recipe, a tour around her farm, some advice from Gladys Taber, or a book review - you never know what will show up on Nan's blog.

Best Literary Fiction Blog: Laura at musings
Laura reads the books I wish I could read and writes terrific reviews. I feel smarter when I've read a book that Laura recommends, and she uses all the sides of her brain - left side for reading and analysing books, and her right side makes lists and spreadsheets and all kinds of goodness like that. Laura exposes me in her blog to tremendous women writers through her love of Orange Prize books and Virago Modern Classics. She's a pretty classy lady herself.

Best General Review: Farm Lane Books
Jackie writes thoughtful book reviews and often we've read the same books, so I really like her taste in books! At the same time, she exposes me to lots of new books and her reviews are usually the reason why they get added to my TBR.

Best Thriller/Mystery/Suspense: Joy of Thoughts of Joy
Joy isn't strictly a thriller and mystery reader, but she reads quite a few, and if she's liked it, onto my list it goes. I trust her in this area.

Best YA Blog: Suey at It's All About Books
Again, Suey reads a lot more than just Young Adult, but if I was wondering about a YA book, she's probably read and reviewed it, so that's the blog I'd head to. Plus, she keeps us updated on her families reading, and there are a few teens in her house.

Best Commentator: jenny at jenny's books
Jenny is a fun commentator and is pretty funny to boot.

Best Published Author: Ken Jennings
Fans of Ken Jennings will enjoy his word play quizzes, his folksy stories of his kids, and his general overall style and good humor.

Funniest/Most Humorous: she treads softly
If you are of a certain age, and grew up with siblings, you must read the adventures of Hippee, ED, and the rest of Lori's family. Hilarious memoir stories that make me laugh out loud, and want to call my sister to reminisce.

Best Challenge Host: John Mutford at the Book Mine Set
The prizes! The cool categories! (right now I think I am a Zamboni in the 3rd Canadian book Challenge) The amazing monthly updates!

Best New Blog: ceri at Not in the Pink
Ceri is the newest blog I've added to Google Reader and I've enjoyed her blog so far.

Best Series or Feature: The Bookwords Game
Can I do this? Can I pick my own feature? Why not, I have a lot of fun playing and posting this along with Suey. And just a shameless plug that The Bookwords Game is going to be back next week, so feel free to play along.

Best Challenge: Four Month Challenge hosted by Virginie Says
I've had the most fun with this points based challenge. I think there is going to be another fall version. I like this challenge because there is a lot of flexibility, but I am also pushed to read in some categories. I love to see the points add up.

Best Meme/Carnival Event: Midweek Morsels at Kristina's
Every Wednesday Kristina posts a great recipe and everyone adds their own. When I post on this meme, I try to feel like I've cooked as well as, or photographed as beautifully as pam at sidewalk shoes. She's my idol in the whole food blogging world.

Most Concise: Literary license
I love this newsy, literary blog with short, thoughtful and helpful reviews thrown in. If something big is happening, from author drama, to book prize shortlists and winners, Gwen will have the scoop.

Congratulations to all my winners! I could post again tomorrow with another whole batch of blogs for these categories.
Tune in tomorrow when I interview Apprentice Writer. That is one of the things I've enjoyed about BBAW - the chance to meet a new person and get to know them and their blog. I'm sure AW and I wouldn't have run into each other otherwise, even though we have much in common.


  1. Great list (and thanks for including me!)

  2. Thanks so much for the new bloggers! Some I've heard of but not visited yet, some are new to me. There are so many really good blogs out there, aren't there? Count yourself among them too, raidergirl!

  3. Thank you so much for saying such nice things about my blog & my reviews. And for writing such an all-around wonderful post! I'll have to check out the other blogs you recommended.

  4. You have some lovely picks!!! :) What a fun way to do this. ;)

  5. It is really hard to pick! I haven't done a post yet. Probably should...

    So many new to me bloggers!

  6. Oh my gosh! I have been so busy today and I have hardly had on line time at all and I haven't even put my post up yet!

    Then I come here and I see these wonderful things you said - wow! :) Thank you so much! You made my evening :)

  7. Aw, you're so sweet! I feel like I should say something really brilliant right now & live up to my reputation - but I got nothing. So I will just say, thank you very much! :)

  8. I'm going to be busy checking out everyone's suggestions. I love how you picked the winners. Very good idea.

  9. I love that you think of me as YA blog. Cool. And yeah for the Bookword Game!

    I feel bad that I didn't list you on my blog today (except I was going for those newer types, right?) but please be sure to check out my interview tomorrow at A Book Lover's blog, because she made me list favorites there too....

  10. Thank you so much for mentioning me. It really makes me feel special!

    I love Laura's blog too! She was the reason I started blogging. I am very grateful to her.

    You have mentioned a few new blogs - I'll have to go and take a look at them. Thank you!

  11. wow, so many great blogs to visit! I couldn't access the Midweek Morsels page, any ideas??

  12. That is such a great list - I've discovered a whole new bunch now thanks to you. And thanks so much for the mention, that's so sweet. *blushes*

  13. Aren't you just the nicest girl!! Thank you for the 'spotlight' - two people have already come over to visit because of your mention. And yes, I have eclectic taste in my real life, too. :<)

  14. Thank you!! I love that you thought of Midweek Morsels when it's still new =)

  15. Thanks for including me! The challenge is so much fun for me, too! :)


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