Read in 2016

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

BLOGGING: It's Tuesday, Where are You?

First Where are You? of 2010. Everyone still playing?

Still another day or so to leave a suggestion on the latest Bookword Game - What do we call a book that we start reading this year, and finish next year? Suey will have a poll up later in the week.

In reading, I am investigating a strange phenomenon in 1850s England, into the Woman in White who is wandering around. (The Woman in White, Wilkie Collins)

Where is reading taking you today? Leave a comment, write a post, spread the word.


  1. I have Women in White on my tbr list for 2010. I hear it's a terrific read.

    This week I'm in Boston with an investigatiuve TV journalist. Your can find me here

  2. I'm also in London - just 90 years ahead of you! Details here.

  3. I have Woman in White on my my MP3 player. HOpe to get to it this year.

    I'm in Japan.

  4. I keep meaning to read that book. So many people rave about it.

    I'm in London too, over here.

  5. Today I'm somewhere on the Discworld, stuck in a magic shop, while crazy people with stars on their foreheads are outside raving about an apocalyptic event. (The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett)

  6. Hi!
    Mine is posted at my place, Just Books. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  7. I'm in 1954 Spain, investigating the mysterious author of Shadow of the Wind

    SFF Chat

  8. I'm in historical Gascony, France.

  9. Is it weird that when I read fantasy books, I usually have no clue at all where I am?

  10. I'm hanging out with Sarah Vowell on her Assassination Vacation. We're looking at the Garfield Monument.


Thanks for commenting, so nice of you to visit.

(I'll try without the letters for a while - so please dont be a spammer! Let's try no anonymous users)