Read in 2016

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

BLOGGING: It's Tuesday! Where are You?

Don't forget, suggestions at Suey's for the book that's been cast even before you read it. I'll have a poll here late on Wednesday.

Speaking of Suey, she had a big de-lurker day, and I am going to do it too. It's officially De-Lurking Day here at An Adventure in Reading. Are you lurking here? Why not take a minute today and de-lurk? Just let us know what you are reading and where in the world that is. If you want to say were you physically are, that's fine too. If you have a blog, leave a link for me to come by and say hi!

I am in Finland, investigating a murder. It's dark, and dreary, and disturbing. A perfect book! (Snow Angels by James Thompson)

Where in the world is reading taking you today? Leave a comment, write a post, spread the word.


  1. Oooh. I think I might have to check into your Finland mystery.

    I'm playing today here.

  2. I'm in England

  3. I'm stuck doing a chair census in a town in the Outer Fringes of a monochromatic world. (Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde

  4. The Finland mystery sounds good. Dang, those Scandinavians are good with mysteries!

    I'm in 18th-century Jamaica.

  5. Hi!
    Your book sounds intriguing. I am in Idaho with a raging river. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  6. Hehe. I'm in the poor end of London, pinning my raggedy clothes together with safety needles. (No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs by John Lydon).

  7. I've been pretty sporadic with my It's Tuesday posts, but I really enjoy this meme and have one up this week about my current adventure in the barren planet of Arrakis, where water is scarce and monstrous, man-eating worms roam (though we haven't actually encountered any yet)

    You can read more about it here


  8. I'm having a deceptively idyllic family reunion in Missouri (The Moonflower Vine, Jetta Carleton) - I suspect dysfunction-filled flashbacks are to follow.

  9. I'm in turn of the century New York City amid gorgeous gowns and scandals in the latest Luxe novel, Splendor. And also present-day Dublin with Maeve Binchy's Heart and Soul. And also in England between the two wars, getting to know the dysfunctional family at Brideshead.

  10. I'm in (maybe) the smallest town in Canada.

    A Boy Of Good Breeding - Miriam Toews.

  11. I'm not lurking as such, but I am late for Where are you? Let's see...on Tuesday I was in Virgin River, escaping from my life and running into Mr Right (Virgin River by Robyn Carr) and I had just landed in Seattle, where I am alternating between 1942 and 1986. (Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford)

  12. Oh my, I just arrived to New Zealand... and things are SO not good. You'd think New Zealand would be a great place to be, right? Not in this book: The Wives of Henry Oades by Johanna Moran.

  13. I just finished my book, but on Tuesday, I was on the cattle trail north to Montana with the boys of the Hat Creek Cattle Company. (Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry)


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