Read in 2016

Sunday, February 21, 2010

BOOK: The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness, 479 pages
Chaos Walking: Book One

young adult challenge

Great book. Lots of adventure, and violence. Cliff-hanger ending. Very much reminded my of Hunger Games, because of the violence, the cliff-hanger, the futuristic view, and the suspense and turn-the-page ability.

Lots more reviews to find:
alison at piling on the books
things mean a lot
Blogging for a Good Book
suey at it's all about books
Stephanie's Confessions of a Book-a-holic
Bart's Bookshelf
Carrie at Books and Movies


  1. I think I am going to try and get this book soon!

  2. Thanks for the link! You must read the sequal, (The Ask and the Answer). Slower paced, but even more of an emotional rollercoaster!

  3. I just started reading this last night! Glad to see you liked it.

    I have another snow day! :)

  4. marg - I happened to check for it at the library online, and it was on order, so I got it first!

    darren - Oh, I expect to read the second book, but I might wait until it is closer to the third one being released.

    joy - I did find it very violent, but about the same as the Hunger Games. I read it all in one weekend.
    Snow day! Yah for you. There is talk of a system on Thursday, hey, maybe it's the weather you have today, moving up the coast.

  5. For serious, wait until the third book is out, or nearly, to read the second. KoLG ends on a cliffhanger, but the sort of cliffhanger where you kind of figure a certain chain of events will follow. When the cliffhanger for The Ask and the Answer shows up, you really just have no idea what's coming. THE SUSPENSE IT BURNS IT BURNS

  6. lol - what Jenny said. You might as well wait now. The ending of the second book is EXCRUCIATING.

  7. jenny and nymeth - I am definitely waiting now. My library just got the first book, so I can't imagine they have the second book yet.

  8. This one is on my shelf, waiting patiently... I loved The Hunger Games though so if you say this is similar then I'll need to bump it up the list!


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