Read in 2016

Saturday, February 5, 2011

BOOK: Best Laid Plans by Terry Fallis

Best Laid Plans by Terry Fallis, 312 pages

4th Canadian Book Challenge; Canada Reads 2011

I have found the perfect book for my brother-in-law to read. He used to work for a Liberal MP, so this book, about a reluctant politician of the Liberal persuasion as narrated by his back-room Liberal manager, should entertain him to no end. Plus, the book is very funny, with lots of word-play as befitting the winner of the Stephen Leacock Award for Humour (2008).

I liked this book and found it funny. I also, at times, found it slow and predictable. I can see why people would love this book - satire of Canadian politics, great word-play, the underdog/idealist takes on the establishment, I can also see why people may not like the book - wide-eyed innocent makes all the right decisions, plays on words and continual jokes, chess games over and over, caricatures of stock characters. Part of my problem was it took me all week to read the book (starting the new semester is tiring) so I had lots of time to be thinking about the book. But then, I still blame the book itself if it took me a long time to read because something in the book made me slow down while reading, or made me a tad reluctant to pick it up again. I'm not a fan of books that slow me down - I don't want to savor and think over things. Keep me moving book! Then again, this is not the book's fault - my brain and the book just aren't completely connected.

I'm completely on the fence with this one - there is an aspect of the book I really enjoyed, and I also found it predictable and repetitive.

also reviewed: buried in printlavender lines,

Final ranking for Canada Reads for me:
1. tie: Unless and Essex County - each so very different, and each so very good
2. Best Laid Plans - has the humor and satire, it really is a good book
3. The Birth House - I remember liking this one a few years ago, but didn't leave a big enough impression
4. The Bone Cage - still a good book, but not one I've vote for.

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