Read in 2016

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

TOP TEN TUESDAY: Books by Favourite Author I Haven't Read Yet

Hey, look who's back! It's me. A topic like Books by My Favourite Authors that I Haven't Read Yet is just the one to get me writing. Check out more topics at That Artsy Reader Girl.

Tracy Chevalier's The Last Runaway
I love Chevalier and this is the last of her published books to read. She takes about 2 years between books, so maybe there will be a new one next year.

Kate Atkinson's Emotionally Weird 
I found Emotionally Weird at a big yard sale on the weekend for 50 cents and was so excited. (that's why this topic has pulled me out of my hiatus) I am also excited about Atkinson's very recently released book, Transcription.

Stephen King's The Outsider
I have no where near read all of Stephen King's books, but I've got a good large 
number of them read. I'm getting The Outsider on audio in the next few weeks. 11/22/63 is one of his older books that I still want to read.

Neil Gaiman's Norse Mythology
I have enjoyed many of Gaiman's books and it turns out when I looked at his list, that I've read nearly all his books, if I ignore The Sandman books, which I have. Looking forward to listening to Norse Mythology.

Sarah Waters' Tipping the Velvet
I've really enjoyed all of Sarah Waters books. This is the only one I have left on her old list to read. I've kind of been saving this one.

Emma Donoghue's Slammerkin
Another great writer whose books I've read most of and enjoyed. 

Robert Galbraith's Lethal White
JK Rowling is so talented. Besides all the Harry Potter books, her Cormoran Strike books are addicting. I got in the audio line early at the library and expect to get this on in a few weeks.

Deon Meyer's Dead at Daybreak, and Fever
Meyer's old books aren't so easy to get a hold of, but it is well worth it when you can. In looking up the books I haven't read yet, I discovered the Meyer has a newer book that I missed last year, Fever. Authors like Meyer - you have to wait for them to write, and then for the books to get translated. FYI, if you like mysteries and suspense, you should be reading Meyer, especially the Benny Griesel books.

Curtis Sittenfeld's Eligible
Sittenfeld isn't a prolific writer, but it turns out I've read most of her books, and I bought this one second hand somewhere along the way. Looking forward to Eligible.

How about a list of author's I love that I've read all their books? It kind of comes up when thinking about this topic:
 Lori Lansens, LM Montgomery, Dava Sobel, Rohinton Mistry, Mary Lawson, Tana French, Gillian Flynn, Carol Shields (all the fiction),

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