Read in 2016

Friday, July 20, 2007

QUIZ: What book are you?

You're Ender's Game!
by Orson Scott Card
To you, most everything is a game. It's summertime, and the living's
easy. Even when there's a war on, it's just a game to you. But even though you've
historically been able to meet every challenge, there are some doubts about what lies
ahead. Are you sure you're up to the next test? Don't forget to pay attention to your

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

I guess I really need to read this book. It's been at the back of my conscience, as a book I'd like to get to. It is on the top 50_books list of reads, one of my unofficial challenges. I thought that challenge was a long term project, but I think I'll manage everything this year except for LoTR, which I have no intention of reading anytime soon. I tried The Hobbit a few times at my Dad''s insistence, but couldn't get into it. (I haven't even seen the movies! gasp)


  1. 'Ender's Game' does seem to end up on every recommended reading list I've ever seen and I still haven't read it either.

    I couldn't get into "Lord of the Rings" either when I first tried to read it. Then, I watched the movies and was able to zip right through the books. I think it helped to have faces to go with all those strange names. The movies are wonderful.

  2. I haven't read it either.

    Btw, I've nominated you for a Rockin' Girl Blogger Award


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