Read in 2016

Thursday, January 1, 2009


It's that time again for the NaJuReMoNoMo hosted by Foma, click here for all the details and to sign up. I joined last year and read 9 novels. This year I'll be aiming for ten and the shiny gold badge. Apparently this is the Fourth Annual Edition, but I'm just a 2-Timer.
Here's the rules, as copied from the host site:

1. Only Novels Count. This means no non-fiction books, memoirs, short stories, essay collections, or books based on internet memes like LOLcats. The judge is out on graphic novels. It's your call.
2. Memoirs Don’t Count. Even if they are fictional. And especially if they are fake memoirs about the Holocaust.
3. It Can’t Be A Novel You Have Already Read. Expand your horizons. Try some new authors.
4. You Must Start At The Beginning. If the book is on your nightstand, you have to start over. We are looking at January 1 to January 31. That is 31 days. We are on a deadline.
5. Have Fun. This a lark. You wouldn't be reading if you didn't enjoy it.

How easy is this? If you are here, you are probably one book done in January already. There are an assortment of badges available, depending on how many novels are read. Ready, set, go!!


  1. Thanks for the link. Nine books is way more than I would ever be able to do. My goal is five.

    And the LOLcats book is very funny, but it still doesn't count as a novel.

  2. I'm signing up for this one as well.

  3. Lots of luck with your goal! I'm going to try for 10 also.

  4. Cool contest. I am reading Crime and Punishment for my first book of the year. Good luck getting to 10, I know I have no time to do so : (


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