Read in 2016

Friday, January 2, 2009

MEME: Booking Through Thursday : New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year, everyone!
So … any Reading Resolutions? Say, specific books you plan to read? A plan to read more ____? Anything at all?
Name me at least ONE thing you’re looking forward to reading this year!

No real resolutions, aren't reading challenges enough of a plan? I think so. If anything, I'm going to read less books that are classic or only just to fit a challenge. It has to be a book I really want to read. For example, I thought I wanted to read Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood, but after seeing a few lukewarm reviews and remembering how much I was neutral to The Blind Assassin, I am not planning to read it. Plus it looks really long and weirdly dystopian.
  • There are lots of books I am looking forward to, particularly:
  • Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver
  • another book by Douglas Coupland, probably Girlfriend in a Coma
  • Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
  • one of John Green's books: An Abundance of Katherines or Looking for Alaska
  • another Stewart O'Nan book: Last Night at the Lobster or Songs for the Missing
  • plus all the books on my TBR Lite list

Hosted at its new home: Wendi's Book Corner

Today's question: Here is a list of the main areas of Library Thing:
1. Home (, before you log in)
2. Home (once you log in, contains Your Home, Your Profile, Connections, Recommendations, Reviews, Statistics, Clouds, Gallery, Memes)
3. Profile (Recent activity, tags, comments, members with your books)
4. Your Library
5. Your Tags
6. Add Books
7. Talk
8. Groups
9. Local
10. Search
11. Zeitgeist (Stats, Top Lists)
12. Tools (Widgets, Store)
13. Blog

What area are you most familiar with? Since I leave myself logged in, my home page- #2 is my most familiar place. It leads me to Groups- #8, and Search- #10, and My Library- #4.

What area is your favorite?
I am quite enjoying Groups these days, and participating in some groups, meeting some interesting people. Tags are amzing if you start to spend some time there and really utilize them.

What area are you curious about?
I think I've browsed around quite a bit, and investigated Tools, Blog, and Zeitgeist, which are all available on My Home.

Are there any that you have not really looked at? Not really.


  1. Reading more in general is my New Years Resolution and this is the first year I am doing Reading Challenges. How Fun! One particular book that is one my reading list this year is The Life of Pi (a friend recommended). Thanks!

  2. I've never participated in a reading challenge - my tbr pile is so large without adding to it in order to complete a challenge - wish I found one that really worked, but maybe that will be a goal for later in the year!

    I really thought Songs for the Missing was good!

    Thanks for participating in Tuesday Thingers this week!

    Happy New Year ~ Wendi

  3. I listened to Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, it was narrated by the author, and I really enjoyed it. I also liked Oryx and Crake, though!

  4. You have a TBR Lite list? What's on that? And I like how you want to read more of what you want to read, vs reading a book just for a challenge. I'm not sure yet what I'm doing in terms of challenges. You did so well finishing them, whereas I finished only a few, though I did try many and enjoyed them!!!


Thanks for commenting, so nice of you to visit.

(I'll try without the letters for a while - so please dont be a spammer! Let's try no anonymous users)