Read in 2016

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

BLOGGING: It's Tuesday, Where Are You?

It's December! Time for the Virtual Advent Tour to begin. Check the blog for who is hosting each day. It's a great way to get into the holiday spirit, and a wonderful community builder, meeting new bloggers and finding out all kinds of Christmas traditions. I already mailed my Book Blogger Holiday Swap package so it's on its way.

Suey and I extended the nominating process for last week's Bookword until this Wednesday. Pop over and see what you can contribute. The more suggestions the better. Suey will have a poll up after Wednesday for voting on the lastest Bookword. There has to be something better than ugly cover, what I've called it up til now.

In reading, I just left Tibet after a wonderful visit and exposure to a completely different culture. I am heading to Minnesota and a family reunion next. (The Art of Mending by Elizabeth Berg)

Where is reading taking you today? Leave a comment, write a post, spread the word.


  1. I'm in England visiting a village of women in the 1850's.

    Find me HERE.

  2. Hi!
    I'm in New York city in the future, the year is 2059. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  3. As usual, I'm all over the place in my reading these days!

  4. I did no know of the Advent tour, thanks!

    I'm in Poetry, Texas this morning.

    Teaser Tuesdays/Where Are You?

  5. I'm traveling across Europe post WWII making my way to Jerusalem. If you want to wander down my road I’m home.


Thanks for commenting, so nice of you to visit.

(I'll try without the letters for a while - so please dont be a spammer! Let's try no anonymous users)