Read in 2016

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

BLOGGING: It's Tuesday, Where are You?

It's Groundhog Day! Six more weeks of winter would be great news around here, so I don't care what the ground hog does.

Still taking suggestions for The Bookword Game this week, head on over here to add your word. Suey will have a poll up after suggestions close on Wednesday.

In reading I am in England, circa 1930, and the butler has been shot! How ironic! It's my first read of a Georgette Heyer, a British house mystery, based on Agatha Christie type mysteries. (Why Shoot a Butler? by Georgette Heyer)

Where is reading taking you today? Leave a comment, write a post, spread the word.


  1. I'm in New Pretty Town, having *just* been turned pretty. (Pretties by Scott Westerfeld)

    (I finished Uglies last night)

  2. It's been a long time since I read any Agatha Christie, but you can't go wrong with her or anything similar to her! Enjoy

    Here's mine.

  3. I'm in the fictional British town of Wantchester at a fantasy/sci-fi convention. (Deep Secret by Diana Wynne Jones)

    ...It is making me want to go to a fantasy/sci-fi convention for reals.

  4. Just found your meme and love it! I have joined in and linked back to you... here is my link

    Would love to follow you but cannot find the "follow me" link on your profile!

  5. I luv a good old-fashioned British mystery...will have to look for Heyer.

    I'm doing a bit of globe-trotting this week with James Rollins, one of my favorite authors! You can see where I am, here

  6. My reading has taken me to the 1920's and 1930's with a blues and jazz singer.

    Read my teaser at Joyfully Retired

  7. Just wanted to stop by and let you know I have this meme up this week. I really enjoy doing this with my books.

  8. I'm in China, working for the Communist party.

    "Wild Swans" Jung Chang

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I've never read Heyer, though I've read about her a lot. This sounds like a good place to begin! Ha! the butler did NOT do it!


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