Practically after the fact, here I am blogging about RIP X, previously hosted by Carl at Stainless Steel Droppings, now looked after by Estella's Revenge.
What's not to love about
Dark Fantasy.
The only rules of RIP X are
1. Have fun reading (and watching).
2. Share that fun with others. (there's a link up here for reviews)
They make the creepiest, scariest, best reading books around. I feel I've primarily read these books this year, with several great books by Mo Hayder, Karin Slaughter, and all the Miss Marples I devoured earlier this year. I still want to record the books I've read or listened to this fall season that fit the bill.
So far I've read or listened to:
1. The Taken - Inger Ash Wolfe (audbiobook)
Great Canadian mystery series, reviewed here.
2. Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman (audiobook)
A re-read, but first time on audio. I loved this when I read it in 2007, the perfect mix of mythology and modern London. I enjoyed it just as much this time with the author himself reading his 'preferred text.' Poor old Richard has his life turned upside down when he saves young Door from the street.
Underworld London must make riding the Tube so much more exciting, imagining what is just beyond what we can see.
3. Fractured - Karin Slaughter (2nd in Will Trent series)
This second book, as we get to know Will Trent a bit better, is hitting its stride with characters around Will becoming clearer. Having grown up in foster care, Will keeps running into old 'housemates,' who do not want to recognize their acquaintance. Will and his new partner are investigating the brutal slaying of a rich teenage girl in her home. Next book: Undone.
4. The Nature of the Beast - Louise Penny (audiobook)
Book 11 of the Inspt Gamauche series, reviewed here.