2nds Reading Challenge
I read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
The first book introduced Mikael Blomvist and Lisbeth Salander, the reporter and the angry girl. The case that brought them together was sadistic and violent and pretty terrible. The original title of the first book was Men Who Hate Women, which pretty much is a good summary of the second book as well. I really liked the structure of this book as well. The first part reintroduces Lisbeth, and she becomes a fairly sympathetic character. She's anti-social, and can be very violent, but she has a strict moral code of her own, and she develops very deep attachments with a few people. Blomvist is now a more famous journalist, and is working with a couple to investigate sex crimes in Sweden. When a murder occurs, and Lisbeth appears to be the main suspect, the chase is on. The police, the journalists, and some of Lisbeth's friends all try to solve the crime, while Lisbeth is on the loose.
I could not put this down, and the reveals are spaced just far enough apart to keep the pages turning. Other than a slightly unbelievable event at the end, Lisbeth was an amazingly smart protagonist. I liked how Larsson paced the book, and I can see how the three books work as a series. I think the third book will now try to solve the whole case, drawing us more into Lisbeth and Mikael's world. Will Lisbeth let people help her? Can Mikael solve the crime? Can't wait!
Buried In Print · 687 weeks ago
raidergirl3 91p · 687 weeks ago
the part I found unbelievable was
*******dont' read the next part if you dont' want to know*******
was the buried alive part. He was careful to have her set in the grave with a plausible position, and conveniently with the small bullets, but that just seemed a little much to me. Luckily, I was reading so fast, I didn't stop to question it too much.
Kailana · 687 weeks ago
raidergirl3 91p · 687 weeks ago
caspette · 687 weeks ago
raidergirl3 91p · 687 weeks ago
jennysbooks 89p · 687 weeks ago
raidergirl3 91p · 687 weeks ago
The second book is more about Lisbeth, and Mikael and them getting on with their lives. It had been two years since I read the first book, and I was worried I needed to remember more from the first book, but he rehashed just enough that I needed.
Did you see the Swedish movie or the US one? On the one hand, why did Hollywood feel the need to remake a two year old movie? On the other hand, Daniel Craig.