Tuesday, January 31, 2012

TOP TEN TUESDAY: Top Ten Books I Think Would Make Great Book Club Picks

This week at The Broke and the Bookish, the Top Ten list is books that would make great book club reads. I've never been in a book club (other than the Ramona book club, and that had different criteria), so I'm not sure what makes good book club books, other than you want to talk about them. So, here is a list of book I've wanted to discuss after reading:

We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver
Nature? Nurture? Was she a terrible mother? Was he a terrible kid? The opinions would be varied, and vocal.

The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters
A haunted house? End of the war, clash of the classes.

The Bone People by Keri Hulme
Were they better together? Were they all awful people?

Behind the Scenes at the Museum by Kate Atkinson
Great ending, and the idea of memories and families would keep a group talking.

The Lizard Cage by Karen Connelly
Myanmar (Burma) and the essense of evil, and passive resistance.

Life of Pi by Yann Martel
What the heck happened there?

Unless by Carol Shields
Can a woman ever write a great novel? Are women diminished in society? What does it mean to be 'good'? What did all those chapter titles mean?

The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood
Will the future be that bad? Envirionmentalism?

The Unnamed  and Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris
Is this author the next big thing? How can he write two such different and yet amazing books?

What great books has your book club discussed?

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LOL on Life of Pi for sure! Yes, good book club books just mean that there's lots to talk about and that everyone is not necessarily on the same page. There's a bunch on your list I may consider for upcoming book club possibilities.
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
Polarizing books, or books that are open to interpretation. Like the ending of Life of Pi! To me, it just made the book.
Yes to We Need to Talk about Kevin! I actually kind of want to propose that to my book club now. Except I don't want them to think I only want to read it because of the movie. :p
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
Kevin is a fantastic book, and people have very different reactions to it. I saw The Swinton on The Daily Show, and the clip they showed did not give a sense of what the movie would be about at all. Good luck getting your group to read it.
Your questions for each book made me laugh. I'll have to check out some of these books now -- I've never read any of them before.
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
None of them? wow, this could easily be a list of the best books I've read in the last few years. I'd recommend all of them!
I have never been in a book club either, but I can imagine these books as very good discussions.
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
I would think so, they are books I would have loved to talk to someone about after I read them. I actually emailed someone I knew had read it after I finished The Little Stranger because I needed to ask about an interpretation.
I have never actually been in a face-to-face book club. Just nothing around here. I did meet some amazing friends in an online bookclub though. Friends I still have today.

Funny. I've only read one of the books you listed although I think each is on my TBR list. We Need to Talk About Kevin. Such a deep book. Thanks for this post!! I know what I need to do this year....read some of these books!
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
Some friends and I from high school tried a book club, but it only ever became a 'eat out for dinner and maybe exchange books' club. We have a really good time though, and have decided to take a trip when we all turn 50, in --- years!

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