Name: It's The End Of The World II
Host: Me, Becky (of Becky's Book Reviews)
Dates: March 10, 2009 - October 9, 2009
Books Required: at least four
Read at least four books about "the end of the world." This includes both apocalyptic fiction and post-apocalyptic fiction. There is quite a bit of overlap with dystopic fiction as well. The point being something--be it coming from within or without, natural or unnatural--has changed civilization, society, humanity to such a degree that it radically differs from "life as we now know it."
I'm going to try this challenge again because I really like this genre and I know I'll read some of these books anyway. My problem will be reading them during this particular time frame.
What are the books I'm hoping to read?
Specials by Scott Westerfield April 2
The People of Spark by Jeane Duprau Mar18
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Apr 23
The Children of Men by PD James May 31
The Dead and the Gone by Susan Beth Pfeffer
or maybe:
Oryx & Crake by Margaret Atwood (I think I'll just put this on every book list I make and I bet I'll never read it)
Here's my little list of recommended books I've already read that were great:
Never Let Me Go by Kazou Ishiguro
Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer
The Giver by Lois Lowry
Uglies, Pretties by Scott Westerfield
We by Yvgeny Zamyatin
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
Welcome to the challenge! I'm hoping to get to We this time.
ReplyDeleteI just ordered The Hunger Games, but when it showed up in the mail I couldn't remember why I'd ordered it. Must have read a good recommendation somewhere.
ReplyDeleteI haven't joined any challenges in quite a long time, but I may break down and participate in this one. I've been meaning to read a few more in this area so I can set an endcap at work. This may be just the push I need. I definitely want to read The Hunger Games and Life As We Knew It.