We are already in the middle of our fourth game of Bookwords. I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am. I love all the creativity that comes out. Feel free to spread the word about the game because the more that play, the better. If you have any suggestions for books that need names, feel free to leave a comment with either Suey or myself.
This week we are looking for a word for the certain book that continually gets moved to the 'next in the pile', but never gets read. You know, that poor neglected book that you really DO want to read, but for some reason, other books just keep pushing it out of the way! What do you call that book?
I called it Cloud Atlas for about a year, ba-dum-dum. But perhaps a more generic name is called for, one that will work for everyone and their own special book that never gets read. Here are the nominees this week:
Wait-listed by serena
Perennial Bridesmaid Book by suziqoregon
Raincheckbook! by chantele
neglect-a-book by melissa
down-shifter by emily
Bullied-Book by joy
Procrastinatome by coversgirl
Will we have our first two-time winner? Or will a new participant get all the alcolades? Come back next Wednesday for the results. One vote per person please.
Did you think of a perfect name that didn't get on the poll? Leave a suggestion in the comments. The poll will stay open until next Tuesday evening-ish, and then I'll post a new word and take suggestions, then we'll be back at Sueys.